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Wilfrid is a business coach, organizational consultant and has been a certified PCM (Process Communication Model) trainer for several years. He has a master’s degree in HR and a Global Executive MBA.


In his corporate career, Wilfrid is in charge of Human Resources Development. In particular, talent management, corporate university, high potential programs and Action Learning Programs.


After 15 years in the corporate world, he did a 180-turn in his life and undertook unusual challenges that pushed him past his comfort zone. This is how he traveled to more than 80 countries while running thousands of miles to benefit many different charities.

One challenge was to run 52 semi marathons in 52 weeks on 5 continents*.

And after accomplishing that, he ran 60 half marathons in 120 days in 30 countries^.


* Instagram @YesWillCan2016

^ Instagram @Running1000Plus

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